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互博国际-Google年度热门关键字排行出炉 希尔顿居榜首
作者:佚名    教师文章来源:不详    点击数:1035    更新时间:2007-5-4

Celebrity bad-girl Paris Hilton and social networking website Bebo were the hottest topics on Google in 2006, the online search engine revealed. Goolge


The "Year-End Google Zeitgeist" top ten lists showed global interest in online socializing and video viewing, as well as World Cup soccer, cancer, autism, celebrities and Hurricane Katrina. 从Google Zeitgeist


Young people's socializing website Bebo, where users share videos, pictures and music and seek former schoolmates, ranked ahead of MySpace, another teen-oriented social networking site, in the Google list of most popular general searches.


World Cup soccer ranked third, with the remaining top-ten queries focused on video sharing, radio blogging, and wikis, which are websites open to editing by visitors.


Hilton, who starred in the reality television show "The Simple Life," topped the list of the most frequent Google news searches, with actor Orlando Bloom ranking second.


Hunts for cancer news ranked third, followed by podcasting, Hurricane Katrina, and bankruptcy in that order.


Swiss tennis star Martina Hingis was seventh on the news search list, ahead of autism, the US National Football League draft, and the television show Celebrity Big Brother.


MySpace topped the general searches and singer Janet Jackson the news searches at Google in 2005.


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