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作者:佚名    教师文章来源:不详    点击数:1214    更新时间:2006-10-1


Fans of the late Chinese actor Fu Biao will soon be able to purchase his autobiography when it is available later this month. Called "imprint", a name created by Fu Biao's widow Zhang Qiufang, it represents the general content and overall style of the book. After combing over several candidates, publishers are satisfied with the final name.

Ge You, a famous comedian and Fu's good friend, is responsible for the preface of the book. He wrote that if Fu's cancer had had been discovered three months earlier, he could have lived for five years more. However, Fu was so busy with his work that he didn't have time to go to the hospital and have exams.

Articles written by some other actors and actresses appear in Fu's "imprint", including Xu Fan, director Zhang Yimou, singer Han Hong and so on. Fu Biao's son and sister joined the book, too.

Publisher Beijing Books Center is distributing (分发)"imprint". An official with the company reveals that that besides its commercial publication, Fu's biography is aimed at inspiring concerns and thoughts from society.

1.The word “purchase ” of the first paragraph means ____.

A. buying  something         B.  reading  something

C. buy  something            D.  read   something

2.Which of the following is not true according to this passage ?

A. Fu Biao was Zhang Qiufang’s husband 

B. The name of Fu Biao's autobiography is "imprint"

C. Fu Biao died of cancer

D. Fu Biao's autobiography was written by himself

3.According to the passage ,  _____.

A. Ge You is Fu Biao's good friend and he is a famous singer

B. Both Xu Fan and Zhang Yimou are directors

C. Fu Biao's son and sister wrote some articles of Fu Biao's autobiography

D. Neither Zhang Qiufang nor Han Hong wrote some articles of Fu Biao's autobiography

4.The best title of this passage is _____.

A. Fu Biao's biography to come out

B. Fu Biao's Widow Zhang Qiufang

C. Fu Biao's Good friends Ge You , Zhang Qiufang , Han Hong

D. Publisher Beijing Books Center

答案及解析:1.C  “purchase ”在这里是动词 ,所以排除 A 和B再结合意思,这里应是“购买”的意思,排除 D。 2.D 通读全文可知A、B 和C均符合原文事实,但从第三自然段可知D 不符合原文事实 ,因自传中的一些文章是由他人所写。3.C 根据第三自然段 可以看出来,傅彪的儿子和姐姐也参与其中写了一些回忆性的文章。4. A 通读全文可知 ,短文主要围绕傅彪的自传《印记》被出版、发行一事展开。


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